Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Romanticism/Gothic/Transcendentalism (English 11)

Guided Notes
Goals for the unit
Author Study

"Rip Van Winkle"
"Rip Van Winkle" Chart
Read "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" over the weekend! Be ready for a reading check on Monday, 11-22!


"The Fall of the House of Usher": Page 1, Page 2, Page 3

"The Oversoul" Informational Handout
"Civil Disobedience" Guided Reading
Study Guide for Trans. Test: Due Monday 1-3; Test is Wednesday, 1-5

Extra Credit!

Monday, December 13, 2010


Since Monday is a snow day, the independent novel presentations will be pushed back one day. Therefore, if you were supposed to present on Monday, you will now present on Tuesday. If you were supposed to present on Tuesday, you will now present on Wednesday, and so on. Use this extra day to your advantage! (Especially since I will be even less accepting of excuses!!) All PowerPoint handouts and Works Cited pages are now due TUESDAY.

Enjoy your day off!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Why do we read (and write) poetry? (English 10)

Good Question! Here are some reasons which will serve as the focuses for our 10th grade poetry unit.

* Communication
* Learning from different perspectives
* Expression of feelings and thoughts
* Enjoyment

Intro Notes
Poetry Puzzle
Words for Poetry Puzzle
"On Turning Ten": See Miss Smalley
Song Essay: Due Thursday, 12-2 in class and to by 11:59pm
Stone Mason Perspective Poem
Ode Directions
Sonnet Examples and Assignment

Monday, November 15, 2010

Independent Novel (English 10)

Students must pick a novel they are interested in reading as an independent project. Books are due in class for points by Monday, November 15th. Download the file for more information.
Presentations begin Monday, December 13th and continue through Thursday, December 16th. A handout version of your PowerPoint and the Works Cited page are due on Monday, December 13th regardless of which day you give your presentation!

Independent Novel Assignment

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Revoluntionary Literature / The Enlightenment (English 11)

Our 3rd unit of the year is rather short but focuses on an essential piece of our nation's history - the Revolutionary War. We will look closely at famous persuasive literature written / spoken prior to and during the time of the Revolution to understand the climate, logic, and wishes of our ancestors. Ultimately, we will connect these to our current society. Check the October and November calendars to view homework, readings, and activities associated with this 2 week unit of study.

Goals for the Unit
PowerPoint Introduction
"Speech at the Vir. Convention" Worksheet: Due Wednesday, 10-27
"Dec. of Ind." Handout for paraphrases: Due Thursday, 10-28
Teenage Dec. of Ind. Requirements: Due Wednesday, 11-3
Ben Franklin's Autobiography (See Miss Smalley)
Ben Franklin's Autobiography Questions
Aphorisms Chart: Due Thursday, 11-4
"What is an American" 2 Paragraph Response: Due Friday, 11-12
Self-Improvement Project Requirements

Monday, November 1, 2010

Technology Speech (English 10)

Speech Requirements - This includes a time line of the entire speech project.
Outline Info: Due Friday, 10-22
Visual Aid and Index Card Info

Speeches will be presented Wednesday, 11-3 --> Friday, 11-5
Be sure to practice in front of people prior to giving your speech in class!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cleveland Rocks Research Article (English 11)

The first research project of the year for English 11 students will be promoting a hidden treasure of our closest major city, Cleveland. With all the current negativity surrounding us from the media and athletes, this project is meant to show our teens that Cleveland is a city in which they can be proud to live. The project will allow students to become a journalist and explore various research types including an actual visit to the research topic. They will take pictures of the topic and if possible, attend an event where they can become a primary source. The results will include an article about the topic which will be "published" on their blog spot and a presentation to the class.

Project Details and Checklist
Source Information
Research Aid
Outlines are due Tuesday, 10-26 at the beginning of class!
Peer Editing and Self Editing Checklist for the Rough Draft

Presentation Information
Presentation Rubric

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Colonial Literature (English 11)

Our second unit of American Literature looks at the arrival of Pilgrims to North American and the lives of Puritans. We will be reading Arthur Miller's play about the Salem Witch Trials titled The Crucible to finish up this area of study. Focuses of this entire unit will be persuasion, how to build an argument, and how to identity fallacies. For more details on what we will be covering you can view the Goals for the Unit, the September and October Calendars, or any of the files below!

Goals for the Unit
Insight into the Puritan Mindset
Persuasive Rhetoric Chart
"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" Scene Pictures: Due Monday, 9-20
Persuasive Questions for "Sinners..."
Persuasive Writing Assignment: Due Friday, 9-24
~ Rubric for Essay
~ Rubric for Pamphlet
~ Rubric for Flyer

The Crucible
Character Chart
Character Weaknesses
Small Group Discussion of Themes
Faulty Reasoning Handout
Faulty Reasoning Chart: Due Thursday, 10-7
Act 1 Study Guide
Act 2 Study Guide

The Crucible Socratic Seminar is on Tuesday, October 19th. Be prepared prior to coming to class!

Socratic Seminar Requirements
Practice Example
Link 1: Find more info about Socratic Seminars here. [Do not use the close-ended question format!]
Link 2: Contains some good questions to give you ideas. Your questions should be slightly more specific though!
Link 3: Bloom's Taxonomy provides words to incorporate into your questions which will prompt discussion. [Do not use words from the 'remembering' stage as those will most likely lead to close-ended questions.]

Friday, September 17, 2010

Science Fiction (English 10)

Science Fiction is our first unit of the year and will include exciting short stories, a TV show viewing, a poem, and a novel. For an in-depth look at the unit for English 10, download weekly lesson plans or the August/September 2010 calendar at the upper right side of this webpage.

Intro to Science Fiction
Essential Unit Questions
Journal 1: Time Travel
Rewriting History: Due Tuesday 9-7-10 (hard copy for class, by 11:59pm)
Journal 2: Technology
"There Will Come Soft Rains" Post-reading Questions
Socratic Seminar Instructions
Socratic Seminar Self-Reflection
Rites of Passage: Due Wednesday, 9-22
Eat Knowledge: Due Tuesday, 9-28 (hard copy for class, by 11:59pm)
Literary Terms for "By the Waters of Babylon"

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Welcome Back! (All classes)

Welcome to the 2010-2011 school year! I hope each of you have enjoyed a restful summer and are ready for the challenges and excitement of a new school year. Below you will find useful information for both my 10th and 11th grade English classes. Students will be given a hard copy of the Course Expectations on the first day of school but feel free to have a look in advance!

Course Expectations:
Grade 10
Grade 11

Each student needs to bring all materials to class beginning Monday, August 30th.
- Binder (1 inch is sufficient)
- Section Dividers (at least 5)
- Folder
- Loose-leaf notebook paper
- Pen or pencil
- Highlighters (at least 2 different colors)
- *Flash drive (*bring only when needed)

Some beginning of the year items:
Self-Profile (All classes)
Literary Elements Chart (English 10)
American Culture Survey (English 11)
American History Puzzle (English 11)
Video Response - Two Paragraphs (English 11)
**Link to the video

Friday, August 27, 2010

Native American Lit (English 11)

Native American Literature is the first unit of the year for American Literature. It will be a short unit but is still important to study as Native Americans played a role in shaping our nation. For a day-by-day breakdown of the unit, refer to the August/September 2010 calendar on the upper right side of this page or check out my weekly lesson plans.

Native American Notes
Chart for "The World On the Turtle's Back"
See / Email Miss Smalley for a copies of "How the World was Made" and "The Great Spirit Names the Animal People"
Questions for "How the World was Made"
Trickster Tales Activity
Create a Creation Myth or Trickster Tale

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Summer is a great time to READ!

Thanks for a great year! Now that it is summer, you have tons of time to read for enjoyment! Check out the American Library Association's Young Adult Booklists and Award Winners as well as my reading list on the right hand side of this page (more will be added soon!) for exciting books to enjoy in the summer sun!

Photo from Ricko (flickr)

Monday, May 31, 2010

Finals (All classes)

Finals time is finally here!! But it's not summer yet. Be sure to study!

English 10 and 10 Basic: Crossword, Word Search , essay review

English 11: Entire Packet

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Media Literacy (English 10 Regular)

Our final unit of the school year will be focusing on understand the media around us. We will be developing our visual, audio, and media literacy as well as our critical thinking skills by analyzing the world around us through advertisements, TV, music, and newspapers. This unit will also include a speech component.

Media Usage Chart
Ad Slogans
Media Lit Intro Notes
Product Placement
Product Placement Closure Question
Target Audience
Target Audience Activity
News Judgment
News Bias Articles
Gatekeeper Activity
Newspaper Analysis Questions
Media Ownership Handout

Lesson Plans (2nd Semester)

Week of 1-25-10
Week of 2-1-10
Week of 2-8-10
Week of 2-15-10
Week of 2-22-10
Week of 3-1-10
Week of 3-8-10
Week of 3-15-10
Week of 3-22-10
Week of 3-29-10
Spring Break!
Week of 4-12-10
Week of 4-19-10
Week of 4-26-10
Week of 5-3-10
Week of 5-10-10
Week of 5-17-10
Week of 5-24-10
Week of 5-31-10

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

To Kill a Mockingbird (English 10 Regular)

English 10 Regular will be reading the classic novel, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Please check the Calendar for an in-depth view of the reading schedule.

Visual Literacy Activity (Tuesday, 4/20/10)

Worksheets by Chapter

Other Assignments
Postcard Requirements: Due 4-26-10
Journal Entries: Due 5-12-10
Trial Writing Assignment: Due 5-5-10
Literary Skills Packet: Due 5-5-10
Character Chart: Due 5-12-10 (Extra Credit!)
Theme, Symbol, Author's Point: Due 5-12-10 (Extra Credit!)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Iconic Obsession Research Paper (English 11)

Iconic Obsession Research Paper Guidelines
Letter to parents
April/May Calendar: This contains all due dates for research paper assignments!
Brainstorming Chart
Resource Matrix: This chart will help you keep track of your source types.
Obession Note-Taker: Highlighted Sources need to be turned in with this as well as your Works Cited page!

Research Paper Help

If you need a refresher on the steps of the research paper, download the appropriate files below:
Appropriate Sources
Highlighting Sources and Works Cited Page
Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing information from sources

Monday, April 26, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Writing Contests

Best Teacher Ever Contest from Due April 23rd!

Tribe Reporter for a Day: Due April 30th!

Shmoop High School Essay Contest (National Poetry Month): Due May 28th!

Poetry Writing Contest: Writings are accepted year-round. Winners announced every September 30th.

See the English Department Website for updates!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Modernism (English 11)

Modernism is hard to define. Steven Byrd of the University of North Carolina at Pembroke said it best by stating, “Whereas previous American literary periods were best defined by certain stylistic conventions or popular schools of thought, the modern period of American literature is better defined by the traditions it broke rather than any tradition it created”. As we keep this in mind, we will explore many different genres of literature, unique styles, various story lines, and fascinating characters which all make up this very diverse and very important movement of American literature.

Requirements for Independent Novel Podcasts
List of Books for Independent Novel Podcasts
Podcast Explanation
Modernism Characteristics
Example Thesis
Example Outline
Reminders for Script: Scripts are due Thursday, 4-1-10
Example Podcast

Evaluation Forms: Due Monday, April 19th!
List of names for Evaluation
Link to Podcasts!

"Mending Wall" Questions

Harlem Renaissance Intro
"When the Negro was in Vogue" Chart
"What it Feels like to be a Colored Me" Chart
"Harlem" Creative Poetry Assignment
A Raisin in the Sun Movie Viewing Questions:
~ Day One
~ Day Two
~ Day Three - No Questions
~ Day Four
A Raisin in the Sun Online Discussion Requirements
The Blues Packet and Song Assignment

Intro Powerpoint Notes
Journal #1 - Women's Literature
"The Yellow Wallpaper" Connection Definition and Article on Postpartum Depression
~ A small debate will take place on Tuesday, 2/9/10 on whether or not the narrator is experiencing postpartum depression. Each side of the class will state their case using examples from the text, definition, and article.
Kate Chopin's "A Respectable Woman"
"A Pair of Silk Stockings" Questions
"What It Feels Like for a Girl" Lyrics and Writing Prompt

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Research Paper (English 10 Regular)

This year, the English 10 research paper is a combination of an informative and a persuasive essay. Students are to choose a charity, tell the reader about the charity, and then persuade the reader to donate to or volunteer his or her time towards the charity's purpose. This is a large portion of the 3rd and 4th quarter grades, so students need to take this seriously! There is also a presentation connected to the paper which will take place in May.

Checklist and Parent Letter
Link for list of charities:
Research Review Sheets
#1 - Thesis
#2 - Appropriate Sources
#3 and #4 - Highlighting Sources and Works Cited
#5 - Quotes, Paraphrases, Summaries
#6 - Note Taking
Notes Organizer Template
#7 - Outline
#8 and #9 - Intro, Conclusion, and Rough Draft
#10 - Final Draft
Demon Sheet

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Great Gatsby (English 11)

1920s Party Invite
Party Clothes: Search online for "The Great Gatsby" or "1920s fashion"
Chapter Questions Packet
Students need to finish reading the novel over Spring Break!!
Novel discussion is on Tuesday, April 13th and Test is on Wednesday, April 14th! Be prepared!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

National Grammar Day Extra Credit (All classes)

Students in all classes have the opportunity for extra credit! All students are invited to participate in celebrating National Grammar Day on Friday, March 5th (the actual day is March 4th but since we have conferences, SHS will celebrate a day late) by creating T-Shirts, pants, sweatshirts, socks, headbands, etc. that promote our love for grammar. Download the requirements!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Vocabulary (English 11)

Vocabulary List #4: Packet is due on Wednesday, 2/10/10. Quiz is on Friday, 2/12/10.
Take the practice vocabulary quiz:

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Blog Spot Creation (Basic 10)

Blog Requirements
Blog URLs
Your blog will be graded on Friday, February 12th. You must have all of the following to earn full credit:
* Correct Title
* Proper grammar!
* Updated Profile
* Useful Links
* Be a "Follower" of Miss Smalley's Space and the blogs of all your classmates
* Letter to the Editor (under Miscellaneous Section)
* Have 5 "Sections" (aka posts)
1-Journal Section
2-Novel Section
3-Discussion/Question Section
4-Career Research Section
5-Miscellaneous Section

* Journals 1-4
1-I feel safest when...
2-I am most confused when...
3-The best day of my life was...
4-One habit I have that I want to break is...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Othello (English 10 Regular)

Students in English 10 will be reading Shakespeare's classic play of jealousy and betrayal, Othello. In addition to reading this exciting tale, students will have the opportunity to work with professional actor-teachers from Great Lakes Theater Festival, they will be viewing portions of 2 versions of the play (classic and modern), and will be creating their own movie trailers in small groups. Until our books come in, please download the appropriate files and keep up with the reading! Also, see the January and February Calendar!

Question Packet
Character List
Othello: Character Chart
Act 1 Scene 1
Act 1 Scene 2
Act 1 Scene 3
Act 2 (Entire Act)
Act 3 Scenes 1 and 2
Othello Scavenger Hunt - Due Thursday, 1/7/10
Great Lakes Letter to Parents
Movie Trailer Requirements
Windows Movie Maker Visual Instructions
Technical Terms
Discussion Questions
Final Review Chart

Friday, January 8, 2010

Midterm Reviews

English 10 and English 10 Basic
English 11

Midterm Schedule
7th period Polaris Students: You will take your exam at 12:00 on Thursday, January 21st in room 809.
8th period Polaris Students: You will take your exam at 9:35 on Friday, January 22nd in room 805 with the rest of your classmates.


Lesson Plans 2009-2010

These plans are subject to change but I will try to stick to them as best I can.

Week of 8-25-09
Week of 8-31-09
Week of 9-7-09
Week of 9-14-09
Week of 9-21-09
Week of 9-28-09
Week of 10-5-09
Week of 10-12-09
Week of 10-19-09
Week of 10-26-09
Week of 11-2-09
Week of 11-9-09
Week of 11-16-09
Week of 11-23-09
Week of 11-30-09
Week of 12-7-09
Week of 12-14-09
Week of 1-4-10
Week of 1-11-10

About Me

My photo
Strongsville, Ohio, United States
2007: Bachelor of Arts in English from Cleveland State University; 2010: Masters of Education in Secondary English Curriculum and Instruction from Cleveland State University

Mrs. Ribblett's Slideshow!

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.