Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cleveland Rocks Research Article (English 11)

The first research project of the year for English 11 students will be promoting a hidden treasure of our closest major city, Cleveland. With all the current negativity surrounding us from the media and athletes, this project is meant to show our teens that Cleveland is a city in which they can be proud to live. The project will allow students to become a journalist and explore various research types including an actual visit to the research topic. They will take pictures of the topic and if possible, attend an event where they can become a primary source. The results will include an article about the topic which will be "published" on their blog spot and a presentation to the class.

Project Details and Checklist
Source Information
Research Aid
Outlines are due Tuesday, 10-26 at the beginning of class!
Peer Editing and Self Editing Checklist for the Rough Draft

Presentation Information
Presentation Rubric

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Colonial Literature (English 11)

Our second unit of American Literature looks at the arrival of Pilgrims to North American and the lives of Puritans. We will be reading Arthur Miller's play about the Salem Witch Trials titled The Crucible to finish up this area of study. Focuses of this entire unit will be persuasion, how to build an argument, and how to identity fallacies. For more details on what we will be covering you can view the Goals for the Unit, the September and October Calendars, or any of the files below!

Goals for the Unit
Insight into the Puritan Mindset
Persuasive Rhetoric Chart
"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" Scene Pictures: Due Monday, 9-20
Persuasive Questions for "Sinners..."
Persuasive Writing Assignment: Due Friday, 9-24
~ Rubric for Essay
~ Rubric for Pamphlet
~ Rubric for Flyer

The Crucible
Character Chart
Character Weaknesses
Small Group Discussion of Themes
Faulty Reasoning Handout
Faulty Reasoning Chart: Due Thursday, 10-7
Act 1 Study Guide
Act 2 Study Guide

The Crucible Socratic Seminar is on Tuesday, October 19th. Be prepared prior to coming to class!

Socratic Seminar Requirements
Practice Example
Link 1: Find more info about Socratic Seminars here. [Do not use the close-ended question format!]
Link 2: Contains some good questions to give you ideas. Your questions should be slightly more specific though!
Link 3: Bloom's Taxonomy provides words to incorporate into your questions which will prompt discussion. [Do not use words from the 'remembering' stage as those will most likely lead to close-ended questions.]

About Me

My photo
Strongsville, Ohio, United States
2007: Bachelor of Arts in English from Cleveland State University; 2010: Masters of Education in Secondary English Curriculum and Instruction from Cleveland State University

Mrs. Ribblett's Slideshow!

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