Sunday, February 10, 2008

Snow Day!!

Because of our Snow Day on Monday February 11th, we will be pushing back the speech dates. In addition to that, we will be in the Media Center scheduling classes for next year on Thursday. So...we need to do some revising to our schedule:

~Monday: No School!!! Enjoy!
~Tuesday: Persuasive Speech Notes Quiz (which was supposed to be on Monday! No excuses for being unprepared!!!) And conferences to aid you in last minute questions about speeches.
~Wednesday: Speeches scheduled for Tuesday
~Thursday: Media Center for scheduling and a small Valentine's Day Activity. NO speeches will be presented
~Friday: Speeches scheduled for Wednesday
~Monday: President's Day! No School!!
~Tuesday: Speeches scheduled for Thursday
~Wednesday: Speeches scheduled for Friday

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About Me

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Strongsville, Ohio, United States
2007: Bachelor of Arts in English from Cleveland State University; 2010: Masters of Education in Secondary English Curriculum and Instruction from Cleveland State University

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