Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Welcome Back!

Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year!
The Parent Survey, signed Course Expectations Form, and materials are due Monday, August 17th.

English 11 Course Expectations (2nd Period)
English 11 Course Expectations (4th Period)
English 11 Honors Course Expectations
Film and Literature Course Expectations
Parent Survey (all classes)

Materials for English 11 & English 11 Honors:
  • Binder
  • Binder Dividers (5-8)
  • Notebook Paper
  • Highlighter
  • Pen or Pencil
  • 1 pack of small Post-it Notes

Materials for Film and Literature:
  • Folder
  • Notebook Paper
  • Highlighter
  • Pen or Pencil
  • 1 pack of small Post-it Notes

About Me

My photo
Strongsville, Ohio, United States
2007: Bachelor of Arts in English from Cleveland State University; 2010: Masters of Education in Secondary English Curriculum and Instruction from Cleveland State University

Mrs. Ribblett's Slideshow!

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.