Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Welcome Back! (All Grades)

Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year! Below, you can find information to help start off the school year:

Materials for all classes:
  • Loose Leaf Paper 
  • Notebook
  • Binder or Folder
  • Pen or Pencil
  • 2-3 Highlighters
  • Pack of small Post-it Notes
  • Flashdrive
Course Expectations 
Open House Info
  • English 9 Honors
  • English 11
  • Film and Literature

About Me

My photo
Strongsville, Ohio, United States
2007: Bachelor of Arts in English from Cleveland State University; 2010: Masters of Education in Secondary English Curriculum and Instruction from Cleveland State University

Mrs. Ribblett's Slideshow!

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.