Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Balance Unit (English 10)

Link to WebQuest: Due Friday, 5-25
Step 4 of the Balance WebQuest (the vision board) can be completed on a computer or by hand: Due Friday, 5-25
Balance Unit Quotes
Yoga Extra Credit

Final Exam Study Guides

English 9
English 10

Schedule of Exams

Friday, May 18, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

West Side Story (English 9)

Packet Cover and Goals
You must read the following articles by Thursday, May 17th. Be preapred for a discussion!
Culture Blind
(stop reading before "Speaking of Diversity")
The Roots of Racism
Accidental Bigotry

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Monday, May 7, 2012

Romeo and Juliet (English 9)

English 9 students will be reading Shakespeare's romantic tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, during March and April. Our Language of Literature Textbooks contain the entire play so students should use these at home if necessary.

Drama Terms: Due 3/27, Quiz 4/2
Tragedy Information 
Create a Mask: Due 4/16

Packet Cover and Goals
Character List
Act 1 
Act 2
Act 3
Act 4
Act 5

Theme Chart
Connection to Life Email and Decision Evaluation
Email Template

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Media Literacy (English 10)

The purpose of the Media Literacy Unit is to begin to develop an awareness of the media and the messages which are constantly sent to us. The National Council of Teachers of English established the 21st Century Literacies to include the ability to "Manage, analyze and synthesize multiple streams of simultaneous information" as well as the ability to "Create, critique, analyze, and evaluate multi-media texts". This unit will provide students with the opportunity to work on these forms of literacy while also developing their cultural and visual literacies.

Packet Cover and Goals
Intro Guided Notes
Ad Types
Magazine Ad Analysis Questions
Product Placement
Target Audience
Product Placement/Target Audience HW: Due Friday, 5-4
Impromptu Commercials
Choose an article to read. Be prepared to discuss it on Wednesday, 5-9
Article #1: Trying to Find a Cry of Desperation Amid the Facebook Drama
Article #2: For Teenage Girls, Facebook Means Always Being Camera-Ready
Teens and the Media
Teens in the Media Response: Due Monday, 5-14
News Judgment
Gatekeeper Exercise
News Bias and Media Ownership Activity: Due Monday, 5-14

About Me

My photo
Strongsville, Ohio, United States
2007: Bachelor of Arts in English from Cleveland State University; 2010: Masters of Education in Secondary English Curriculum and Instruction from Cleveland State University

Mrs. Ribblett's Slideshow!

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