Friday, January 27, 2012

The House of the Scorpion (English 9)

The second class novel for English 9 will be The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer. Students must obtain their own copy of the novel by Monday, January 30th. Download the following documents for more information:

Letter to Parents
"I am From..." Poem: Due Monday, 1-30
Small Group Discussion Questions

Packet Cover and Unit Goals
Character Chart
Theme Chart

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Common Writing Mistakes (English 9)

There will be a quiz over these common mistakes on Friday, 1-27-12. This handout should be placed in the Writing Portfolio section of your binder.

Common Writing Mistakes Handout
Expository Writing Assignment: Due Friday, 1-27
Peer Editing Sheet

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Midterm Reviews

Use the following link to help you review for the midterm.

Exam Reviews for English 9 and 10

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Speeches (English 10)

Students in English 10 will present four speeches this year. The first is on technology and combines informative and persuasive techniques into a formal speech.

Speech Two: Independent Novel
Project Requirements
Link to YALSA. You must choose a book from this site.
Example of PowerPoint 
Projects will be presented Thursday, January 5th through Wednesday, January 11th
ALL PowerPoint Handouts are due on Thursday, January 5th regardless of the day you are scheduled to give your presentation!

Speech One: Technology
Persuastive Speech PowerPoint Notes
Technology Speech Info
Visual Aid and Index Card Info
Outline Info: Due Tuesday, 11-1
Speeches will be presented Thursday, November 10th through Wednesday, November 14th

Monday, January 2, 2012

Writing Portfolio (English 9 and 10)

Writing Lessons
Lesson #1: Paragraphs
Example Paragraphs
Lesson #2: Connotation and Denotation
Lesson #3: Integrating Quotes and Paraphrases into Writing

* Writing Lessons should be kept and placed in the Writing Portfolio section of your English binder.

ENGLISH 9 Writing Assignments
Class Philosophies Paragraph: Due 9-1-11
Descriptive Writing: Due 9-14-11
Journals 1-4: Due 9-26-11
Mythology Research Assignment: Due 10-24-11
Speak Quiz: Due 12-14-11
Speak Journals: Due 1-6-12 

ENGLISH 10 Writing Assignments
Journal #1 - Time Travel: Due 9-1-11
Journal #2 - Technology: Due 9-7-11
Eat Knowledge: Due 9-20-11
The Hunger Games Book Logs: Due 10-19-11
Stone Mason Poem Response: Due 12-5-11
In-class Poetry Essay: Due 12-14-11

* All writing assignments should be placed in the Writing Portfolio section of your English binder. After each assignment is returned, you need to fill out a Writing Reflection Sheet which will be provided for you in class.

Lesson Plans (2011 - Semester 1)

Week of 8-22-11
Week of 8-29-11
Week of 9-5-11
Week of 9-12-11
Week of 9-19-11
Week of 9-26-11
Week of 10-3-11
Week of 10-10-11
Week of 10-17-11
Week of 10-24-11

Week of 10-31-11
Week of 11-7-11
Week of 11-14-11
Week of 11-21-11
Week of 11-28-11
Week of 12-5-11
Week of 12-12-11
Week of 12-19-11
Winter Break!
Week of 1-2-12
Week of 1-9-12

About Me

My photo
Strongsville, Ohio, United States
2007: Bachelor of Arts in English from Cleveland State University; 2010: Masters of Education in Secondary English Curriculum and Instruction from Cleveland State University

Mrs. Ribblett's Slideshow!

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