Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Hunger Games (English 10)

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins will be the first novel of the year for English 10 students. This is an engaging novel which is the first of a best-selling trilogy and will be the exciting conclusion of our science fiction unit. Students need to obtain a copy of the novel by Monday, September 26th. Download the Letter to Parents to find out more information about the novel and how to obtain a copy.

Letter to Parents
Goals for the Unit
Character Chart and Setting Analysis
District, Tribute, Gifts, and Deaths Chart
Theme Analysis Group Assignment
See Miss Smalley for a copy of the packet!
Final Project: Brainstorming due Tuesday, 10/11; Project due Friday, 10/21
Final Project Rubrics
Media Center Day Checklist

Book Logs should always contain the proper MLA heading, a title, and consist of at least 6 complete, grammatically correct sentences. Use specific examples from the story (citing page numbers) to help you explain rather than vague events.

Book Log 1: Name 1 internal conflict and 1 external conflict Katniss experiences. Predict how these conflicts will impact the plot.
Book Log 2: What does it mean to be a survivor? Explain in detail from 2 different perspectives.
Book Log 3: Write a reaction to the novel. What did you like? Dislike? Were you surprised by anything? Disappointed?

Socratic Seminar/Graded Discussion:
Info on the Seminar
Link 1: Find more info about Socratic Seminars here. [Do not use the close-ended question format!]
Link 2: Contains some good questions to give you ideas. Your questions should be slightly more specific though!
Link 3: Bloom's Taxonomy provides words to incorporate into your questions which will prompt discussion. [Do not use words from the 'remembering' stage as those will most likely lead to close-ended questions.]

Movie Info!
The Hunger Games will debut as a movie in March 2012! Check out the cast, a trailer, pictures, and more here: IMDB Movie Info

About Me

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Strongsville, Ohio, United States
2007: Bachelor of Arts in English from Cleveland State University; 2010: Masters of Education in Secondary English Curriculum and Instruction from Cleveland State University

Mrs. Ribblett's Slideshow!

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