Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Independent Novel Podcast (English 11)

Thesis Example: Due Monday, 3-21
Pre-writing Chart: Due Monday, 3-21
Outline Example
Windows Movie Maker Aid
Visual Aid

Podcast Evaluation Forms: Due Friday, 4-29
(You only need to fill out 1 form per person. You should submit 3 forms total on Friday.)
Podcast Evaluation List of Names

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Reading Blog (English 11)

English 11 students will be exposed to a vast amount of literature this year during their first literature course, American Lit. Therefore, each student will be creating their own reading blog spot for educational use. Blogs will be updated periodically throughout the year and will consist of (but are not limited to) reflections on the literature, answers to assigned questions, connections between past and present writings, and creative writings based on a literary text. Follow the blog of your friend or child by downloading the Class List of Blog URLs. Enjoy!

Blog Spot Creation
Instructional Sheet - Using Blogger
Blog Entry 1 - Due Wednesday, September 1
Blog Entry 2 - Due Wednesday, September 15 **This is also a website design check!
Blog Entry 3 - Cleveland Rocks Article
Blog Entry 4 - Due Friday, January 28
Blog Entry 5 - Due Thursday, April 14

Monday, April 4, 2011

Career Research Paper (English 10)

The research paper is a multi-step process.It is essential to your third and fourth quarter grades to keep up with this assignment! Even if you are absent, it would be in your best interest to stay on track. Use the documents below to aid you throughout this process.

Paper Guidelines
Paper Checklist and Letter to Parents (with contract)

Preliminary Research on OCIS (print out the results): Due Friday, 3-4
~ Occupation Match
~ Reality Check
~ Work Importance Locator
~ Career Cluster Inventory OR Interest Profiler
** Also, take a look at the Ohio College list to get some ideas of where you would possibly like to further your education.

#1: Thesis Statements
#2: Appropriate Sources
#3 and #4: Highlighting Research and Works Cited
Please see the "MLA Citation Cheat Sheet" and "MLA Format" links under Useful Links (on the right side of this website) for help with the Works Cited page.
#5: Quotes, Paraphrases, Summaries
#6: Taking notes
Notes Organizer (link is fixed!)
~ Save this to a flashdrive so you can transport it between school and home!
#7: Outlining
#8 and #9: Introductions, Conclusions, and Rough Drafts
Self-editing and Peer-editing sheet
Please see the "Demon Sheet" link under Useful Links (on the right side of this website) for items to avoid when writing the research paper.

About Me

My photo
Strongsville, Ohio, United States
2007: Bachelor of Arts in English from Cleveland State University; 2010: Masters of Education in Secondary English Curriculum and Instruction from Cleveland State University

Mrs. Ribblett's Slideshow!

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.