Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sorry for the Inconvenience!

Due to website updates from the high school, my links to files no longer work appropriately. I am in the process of re-doing all my links to file documents but it will take some time. Please email me at if there is a document you need which I have not yet updated. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Speak (English 9)

Speak Packet Cover and Goals
Anticipation Guide
Journal Entries
Character Chart
Small Group Discussion Questions
Reoccurring Images Chart
Teen Depression Article Response - Extra Credit: Due Monday, 12-19

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Poetry (English 10)

Poetry is the most intimate form of communication. But why is it necessary to study, read, and write? This English 10 unit will focus on answering that question.

Packet Cover and Goals
Why do we read/write Poetry? - Guided Notes
Poetry Puzzle
Words for Poetry Puzzle: Quiz over words on Wednesday, 12-14
Songs that Take a Stance: Due Thursday, 12-1
Song Title Narrative Poem: Due Wednesday, 12-7
Stone Mason Response and Two Person Poems
Ode Instructions: Due Friday, 12-9
Sonnet Questions and Instructions: Due Monday, 12-12

The Pit and the Pendulum (English 10)

"The Pit and the Pendulum" Questions: Due Wednesday, 11-30
"The Pit and the Pendulum" Rap from Flocabulary!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Novel Project/Speech (English 9)

English 9 students will complete two speeches this year. The first will be on an award-winning novel of the student's choice.

Speech 101 Handout: Quiz is on Wednesday, 11-16

Independent Novel Assignment
Link to YALSA : You must choose a book from this site!
Independent Novel Presentation Rubric
Example PowerPoint
Projects will be presented Tuesday, November 29th through Monday, December 5th. All PowerPoint Handouts are due on Tuesday, November 29th regardless of when presentations are scheduled.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Odyssey (English 9)

Homer's epic poem titled The Odyssey follows the heroic character Odysseus on his journey home from the Trojan War. English 9 will be reading an abridged version of the poem from their textbooks.

Goals for the Unit
Hero or Celebrity?
Qualities of a Hero
Heroic Traits of Odysseus
Timeline of the story
Draw/Quote Cyclops and Business Card Projects
Discuss Questions
A Rap about the Odyssey by Flocabulary!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Hunger Games (English 10)

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins will be the first novel of the year for English 10 students. This is an engaging novel which is the first of a best-selling trilogy and will be the exciting conclusion of our science fiction unit. Students need to obtain a copy of the novel by Monday, September 26th. Download the Letter to Parents to find out more information about the novel and how to obtain a copy.

Letter to Parents
Goals for the Unit
Character Chart and Setting Analysis
District, Tribute, Gifts, and Deaths Chart
Theme Analysis Group Assignment
See Miss Smalley for a copy of the packet!
Final Project: Brainstorming due Tuesday, 10/11; Project due Friday, 10/21
Final Project Rubrics
Media Center Day Checklist

Book Logs should always contain the proper MLA heading, a title, and consist of at least 6 complete, grammatically correct sentences. Use specific examples from the story (citing page numbers) to help you explain rather than vague events.

Book Log 1: Name 1 internal conflict and 1 external conflict Katniss experiences. Predict how these conflicts will impact the plot.
Book Log 2: What does it mean to be a survivor? Explain in detail from 2 different perspectives.
Book Log 3: Write a reaction to the novel. What did you like? Dislike? Were you surprised by anything? Disappointed?

Socratic Seminar/Graded Discussion:
Info on the Seminar
Link 1: Find more info about Socratic Seminars here. [Do not use the close-ended question format!]
Link 2: Contains some good questions to give you ideas. Your questions should be slightly more specific though!
Link 3: Bloom's Taxonomy provides words to incorporate into your questions which will prompt discussion. [Do not use words from the 'remembering' stage as those will most likely lead to close-ended questions.]

Movie Info!
The Hunger Games will debut as a movie in March 2012! Check out the cast, a trailer, pictures, and more here: IMDB Movie Info

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Welcome Back!

English 9 Course Expectations
English 10 Course Expectations
Academic Calendar

Open House Information: English 9, English 10

Materials for both English 9 and 10:
  • 1 to 1 ½ inch binder
  • Binder Section dividers (5-8)
  • Folder
  • Loose Leaf Paper (lots of it)
  • Pen or pencil
  • 2-3 Highlighters
  • Flash drive
  • Grammar Book (Workbook)
  • Vocabulary Book (Workbook)
  • Student Planner and I.D. tag. Without these you will not be allowed to leave the classroom.
Materials and Course Contracts are due by Monday, August 29th for points.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Grammar (English 9 and 10)

Parts of Speech Chart

9th Grade Quiz: Friday, 9-16-11
10th Grade Quiz: Friday, 9-23-11

Monday, May 23, 2011

Balance Unit (English 10)

Webquest Link

~ Yoga Extra Credit is after school in the Media Center on Wednesday, 5/25 or Wednesday, 6/1.
~ Webquest is due on Friday, 5/27.
~ Vision Board is due on Friday, 5/27.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Media Literacy (English 10)

The purpose of the Media Literacy Unit is to begin to develop an awareness of the media and the messages which are constantly sent to us. The National Council of Teachers of English established the 21st Century Literacies to include the ability to "Manage, analyze and synthesize multiple streams of simultaneous information" as well as the ability to "Create, critique, analyze, and evaluate multi-media texts". This unit will provide students with the opportunity to work on these forms of literacy while also developing their cultural and visual literacies.

Media Literacy Packet
Intro Notes
Advertisement Slogans
Ad Techniques
Product Placement
Target Audience
Product Placement and Target Audience Homework
News Judgment
Gatekeeper Activity
Wordsearch and Question for Paragraph Response

Media Ownership and News Bias Activity: Due Wednesday, 5-18

Research Paper (English 11)

How does an obsession with a person, place, issue, object, or activity express or demonstrate a particularly American ideal or belief?
This is the question the students in English 11 must strive to answer in the form of a research paper. Download the files for more details!

Iconic Obsession Research Paper
Checklist of Due Dates
Letter to Parents
Brainstorming Chart
Thesis Requirements
Review: Appropriate Web Sources
Review: Highlighting
Review: Works Cited
Notes Organizer: Due Friday, 5-6
Outline Reminders: Due Wednesday, 5-11

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Independent Novel Podcast (English 11)

Thesis Example: Due Monday, 3-21
Pre-writing Chart: Due Monday, 3-21
Outline Example
Windows Movie Maker Aid
Visual Aid

Podcast Evaluation Forms: Due Friday, 4-29
(You only need to fill out 1 form per person. You should submit 3 forms total on Friday.)
Podcast Evaluation List of Names

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Reading Blog (English 11)

English 11 students will be exposed to a vast amount of literature this year during their first literature course, American Lit. Therefore, each student will be creating their own reading blog spot for educational use. Blogs will be updated periodically throughout the year and will consist of (but are not limited to) reflections on the literature, answers to assigned questions, connections between past and present writings, and creative writings based on a literary text. Follow the blog of your friend or child by downloading the Class List of Blog URLs. Enjoy!

Blog Spot Creation
Instructional Sheet - Using Blogger
Blog Entry 1 - Due Wednesday, September 1
Blog Entry 2 - Due Wednesday, September 15 **This is also a website design check!
Blog Entry 3 - Cleveland Rocks Article
Blog Entry 4 - Due Friday, January 28
Blog Entry 5 - Due Thursday, April 14

Monday, April 4, 2011

Career Research Paper (English 10)

The research paper is a multi-step process.It is essential to your third and fourth quarter grades to keep up with this assignment! Even if you are absent, it would be in your best interest to stay on track. Use the documents below to aid you throughout this process.

Paper Guidelines
Paper Checklist and Letter to Parents (with contract)

Preliminary Research on OCIS (print out the results): Due Friday, 3-4
~ Occupation Match
~ Reality Check
~ Work Importance Locator
~ Career Cluster Inventory OR Interest Profiler
** Also, take a look at the Ohio College list to get some ideas of where you would possibly like to further your education.

#1: Thesis Statements
#2: Appropriate Sources
#3 and #4: Highlighting Research and Works Cited
Please see the "MLA Citation Cheat Sheet" and "MLA Format" links under Useful Links (on the right side of this website) for help with the Works Cited page.
#5: Quotes, Paraphrases, Summaries
#6: Taking notes
Notes Organizer (link is fixed!)
~ Save this to a flashdrive so you can transport it between school and home!
#7: Outlining
#8 and #9: Introductions, Conclusions, and Rough Drafts
Self-editing and Peer-editing sheet
Please see the "Demon Sheet" link under Useful Links (on the right side of this website) for items to avoid when writing the research paper.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Great Gatsby (English 11)

Chapter Questions Packet
Party Invitation
Pictures of 1920s outfits:
1, 2, 3, 4
Also, search '1920s outfits' on Google for ideas.

Students must finish the novel and finish answering questions over Spring Break! We will have a comprehension check and a graded discussion Monday, April 4th and Tuesday, April 5th.

Blog #5: Due Thursday, 4-14

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Final OGT Review (English 10)

Final OGT Review Packet: Due Friday, 3-11 by the end of class.

Use this link to The Lantern to complete your packet.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

National Grammar Day (All Classes)

Earn 15 points of extra credit by celebrating National Grammar Day!

When: Monday, March 7th
How: Create an original shirt promoting grammar. You can include a grammar rule, a diagrammed sentence, a corrected sentence, or anything else you are inspired to do.
The requirements: You must put your name in the MLA heading somewhere on your shirt, you must be appropriate for school, and you must wear it all day.

Be creative and have fun!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Modernism (English 11)

Modernism is hard to define. Steven Byrd of the University of North Carolina at Pembroke said it best by stating, “Whereas previous American literary periods were best defined by certain stylistic conventions or popular schools of thought, the modern period of American literature is better defined by the traditions it broke rather than any tradition it created”. As we keep this in mind, we will explore many different genres of literature, unique styles, various story lines, and fascinating characters which all make up this very diverse and very important movement of American literature.

Introduction PowerPoint

Intro Journal Entry
Kate Chopin Vocab List
"A Pair of Silk Stockings" Questions
"The Yellow Wallpaper" Guided Reading: Due, Wednesday 2-9
Women's Lit Writing Prompt: Due Monday, 2-14

"When the Negro was in Vogue" Chart
"What it Feels like to be a Colored Me" Chart
Original "Harlem" Poem: Due Friday, 2-18
A Raisin in the Sun Questions:
~ Day One
~ Day Two
~ Day Three (none)
~ Day Four
The Blues Packet: Song presentations are on Tuesday, 3-8


"A Rose for Emily" Reading Guide
"The Mending Wall"
"The Jilting of Granny Weatherall"

Independent Novel Podcast: Obtain novel by Monday, 2-28

About Me

My photo
Strongsville, Ohio, United States
2007: Bachelor of Arts in English from Cleveland State University; 2010: Masters of Education in Secondary English Curriculum and Instruction from Cleveland State University

Mrs. Ribblett's Slideshow!

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