Monday, November 22, 2010

Why do we read (and write) poetry? (English 10)

Good Question! Here are some reasons which will serve as the focuses for our 10th grade poetry unit.

* Communication
* Learning from different perspectives
* Expression of feelings and thoughts
* Enjoyment

Intro Notes
Poetry Puzzle
Words for Poetry Puzzle
"On Turning Ten": See Miss Smalley
Song Essay: Due Thursday, 12-2 in class and to by 11:59pm
Stone Mason Perspective Poem
Ode Directions
Sonnet Examples and Assignment

Monday, November 15, 2010

Independent Novel (English 10)

Students must pick a novel they are interested in reading as an independent project. Books are due in class for points by Monday, November 15th. Download the file for more information.
Presentations begin Monday, December 13th and continue through Thursday, December 16th. A handout version of your PowerPoint and the Works Cited page are due on Monday, December 13th regardless of which day you give your presentation!

Independent Novel Assignment

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Revoluntionary Literature / The Enlightenment (English 11)

Our 3rd unit of the year is rather short but focuses on an essential piece of our nation's history - the Revolutionary War. We will look closely at famous persuasive literature written / spoken prior to and during the time of the Revolution to understand the climate, logic, and wishes of our ancestors. Ultimately, we will connect these to our current society. Check the October and November calendars to view homework, readings, and activities associated with this 2 week unit of study.

Goals for the Unit
PowerPoint Introduction
"Speech at the Vir. Convention" Worksheet: Due Wednesday, 10-27
"Dec. of Ind." Handout for paraphrases: Due Thursday, 10-28
Teenage Dec. of Ind. Requirements: Due Wednesday, 11-3
Ben Franklin's Autobiography (See Miss Smalley)
Ben Franklin's Autobiography Questions
Aphorisms Chart: Due Thursday, 11-4
"What is an American" 2 Paragraph Response: Due Friday, 11-12
Self-Improvement Project Requirements

Monday, November 1, 2010

Technology Speech (English 10)

Speech Requirements - This includes a time line of the entire speech project.
Outline Info: Due Friday, 10-22
Visual Aid and Index Card Info

Speeches will be presented Wednesday, 11-3 --> Friday, 11-5
Be sure to practice in front of people prior to giving your speech in class!

About Me

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Strongsville, Ohio, United States
2007: Bachelor of Arts in English from Cleveland State University; 2010: Masters of Education in Secondary English Curriculum and Instruction from Cleveland State University

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