Friday, September 17, 2010

Science Fiction (English 10)

Science Fiction is our first unit of the year and will include exciting short stories, a TV show viewing, a poem, and a novel. For an in-depth look at the unit for English 10, download weekly lesson plans or the August/September 2010 calendar at the upper right side of this webpage.

Intro to Science Fiction
Essential Unit Questions
Journal 1: Time Travel
Rewriting History: Due Tuesday 9-7-10 (hard copy for class, by 11:59pm)
Journal 2: Technology
"There Will Come Soft Rains" Post-reading Questions
Socratic Seminar Instructions
Socratic Seminar Self-Reflection
Rites of Passage: Due Wednesday, 9-22
Eat Knowledge: Due Tuesday, 9-28 (hard copy for class, by 11:59pm)
Literary Terms for "By the Waters of Babylon"

About Me

My photo
Strongsville, Ohio, United States
2007: Bachelor of Arts in English from Cleveland State University; 2010: Masters of Education in Secondary English Curriculum and Instruction from Cleveland State University

Mrs. Ribblett's Slideshow!

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