Monday, November 30, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fantasy, Folklore, and Horror (English 10)

We are completing a short unit which will cover 3 similar but different genres: fantasy, folklore, and horror. Download the English 10 Regular November Calendar for all readings and assignments!

~ Guided Intro Notes (fantasy and folklore)
~ Grimm's Tales and Article: See Miss Smalley
~ Independent Folklore Assignment

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Enlightenment / Revolutionary Literature (English 11)

American Literature classes will be moving from the religious Puritan literature to a short unit on the Age of Reason where we will be reading Enlightenment and Revolutionary (political) literature. Download the November 2009 Calendar for more details!

~ Intro Powerpoint
~ Persuasion Techniques and Rhetoric Handout
~ Teenage Declaration
~ Aphorisms
~ Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography Questions (You must get the text which goes along with these questions from Miss Smalley)
~ Self-Improvement Project (Please be aware of the due dates!)

Friday, November 6, 2009

The House of the Scorpion (English 10)

STUDENTS NEED TO GET A COPY OF THE HOUSE OF THE SCORPION BY NANCY FARMER BY TUESDAY, 9-29-09. PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE LETTER FOR MORE INFORMATION. You can also download the October 2009 Calendar on the upper right side of this page for a detailed break-down of each day's assignments!

Students will be participating in Literature Circles during the reading of this novel. Every student will have the chance to participate in each role.
Discussion Director
Vocabulary Enricher
Literary Luminary
~ We completed a pop quiz on chapters 1-18 on Tuesday, 10-19-09 and an in-class essay on Wednesday, 10-20-09.
~ Character Chart
~ Final Project (Due Wednesday, November 11th)

About Me

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Strongsville, Ohio, United States
2007: Bachelor of Arts in English from Cleveland State University; 2010: Masters of Education in Secondary English Curriculum and Instruction from Cleveland State University

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