Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Go Ask Alice and Other Assignments (Basic 10)

The English Basic 10 class will be reading Go Ask Alice in November and December. Here's some handouts from class:

"White Rabbit" Lyrics and Questions

Indirect and Direct Characterization Worksheet

Common Mistakes List
Quiz is on Friday, 10-31-08

Personal Narrative Requirements and Rubric
Due Friday, 10-31-08

Friday, November 7, 2008

Poetry (Freshman)

The next unit for English 9 is poetry.

~ Click here to find out some myths of poetry!
~ How to Read Poetry Handout

~ November, December, and January Schedule

About Me

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Strongsville, Ohio, United States
2007: Bachelor of Arts in English from Cleveland State University; 2010: Masters of Education in Secondary English Curriculum and Instruction from Cleveland State University

Mrs. Ribblett's Slideshow!

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